Guide des trophées de Vera Blanc Ghost In The Castle (PS4)

Vera Blanc Ghost In The Castle

Développeur : Winter Wolves Games
Editeurs : Ratalaika Games
Genre : Visual Novel
Date de sortie : 26 janvier 2021

Voici le guide des trophées de Vera Blanc Ghost In The Castle sur Playstation 4 qui vous permettra d’obtenir le platine du jeu.

14 trophees / 0 trophee-bronze / 2 trophee-argent / 11 trophee-or / 0 trophee-masque / 0 trophee-online / 1 trophee-platine

Indication sur le platine :

▪️ Difficulté du platine : 1/10
▪️ Temps estimé : 10min
▪️ Nombre de parties : 1
▪️ Trophées manquables : Oui

Quelques conseils :

Vera Blanc Ghost In The Castle est un visuel novel, qui bien réglé et en faisant les bons choix, vous permettra d’obtenir un platine en quelques minutes. Commencez par paramétrer le jeu dans les options depuis le menu principal en choisissant “All” dans Transitions, “All messages” dans Skip et “Keep Skipping” dans After choices. Puis mettez tout à fond dans les paramètres de droite pour “Text speed” et “Auto-Forward Time” . Suivez ensuite ce guide pour les différents choix de dialogues :



🔍 Play without minigames
🔍 Approach teenagers trophee-OrFirst Clue
🔍 Read Berni’s mind
🔍 Look for adults
🔍 The ghost
🔍 The castle
🔍 Anastasi
🔍 Himself
🔍 Stop talking
🔍 Wait for Mr. Anastasi
🔍 Ask if he’s married
🔍 Ask about the ghost
🔍 Ask where you’re going
🔍 Ask about Roberto
🔍 Ask if he’s jealous
🔍 Examine the garden
🔍 Examine room
🔍 Ask about his wealth
🔍 Ask if he saw the ghost
🔍 Ask why he doesn’t want more tourists
🔍 Ask about the scientists
🔍 Ask if he has any suggestions
🔍 Ask if he is the owner
🔍 Ask about the ghost
🔍 Get ready for dinner trophee-OrIt’s real
🔍 Ask about Ricardo and Lucia
🔍 Read Massimo’s mind
🔍 Ask for permission to look around

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Police Station
trophee-OrDay 2

🔍 Ask about Paolo
🔍 Disagree

🔍 Ask about Riccardo
🔍 Read her mind

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Guido’s Coffee

🔍 Ask what happened
🔍 Tell him you saw the ghost
🔍 Ask about Paolo
🔍 Ask abour Nassi

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Town Square

🔍 Talk to the teenagers

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Town Square

🔍 How do you know the ghost is a woman ?
🔍 Did you see the ghost ?
🔍 We saw the ghost !

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “The castle

🔍 Read his mind

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Cemetery
trophee-OrDay 3

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “The castle

🔍 Read his mind
🔍 Did you notice anything strange about her ?
🔍 Did she do something to you ? Are you okay ?
🔍 Why did she sign the guest book ?
🔍 When did she come ?
🔍 Did she touch anything else ?
🔍 Did she want to see something in particular ?

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Souvenir shop

🔍 Enter shop
🔍 Read his mind
🔍 Ask about the ghost
🔍 Ask about the murder

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Police Station
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Church

🔍 Yes, why ?
🔍 Read his mind
🔍 Ask what he does here
🔍 Tell him the truth

trophee-OrDay 4

🔍 How do you know it was Berni ?
🔍 Something was going one between them ?
🔍 Was Berni alone ? What exactly did Nassi see ?
🔍 Where is Nassi now ?

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Police Station

🔍 Ask abour Berni
🔍 Ask abour Nassi
🔍 Ask abour Eva

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Town Square

🔍 Everything all right, Nassi ?
🔍 Why where those boys attacking you again ?
🔍 Did you so anything to Berni ?
🔍 Read his mind
🔍 Beg him

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Police Station

🔍 Read his mind
trophee-OrExorcism Test

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Villa Anastasi

🔍 Who where those guests ?
🔍 Ash why he is so sad
🔍 Read his mind
🔍 Talk about Nassi
trophee-OrDay 5
🔍 Tell to Brandon to shoot her
🔍 Ask why she tried to kill you
🔍 Accuse her of being the ghost

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Police Station
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Hospital

🔍 Mattia ? How are you feeling ?
🔍 Do you remember what happened ?
🔍 Tell him you’re sorry
🔍 Get a drink
🔍 Ask Gnocchi about him
🔍 Ask Gnocchi about Anastasi
🔍 Ask Gnocchi about the ghost
🔍 Get a drink
🔍 Danse
trophee-OrParty Night
🔍 Get a drink
🔍 Ask Gnocchi about Anastasi
🔍 Ask about Gnocchi
🔍 Ask about Anastasi
🔍 Ask about the murders
🔍 Who was Anastasi senior’s second wife ?
🔍 Do you know anything about Roberto’s business
🔍 What can you tell me about the ghost ?
🔍 Do you know a certain Eva ?
trophee-OrDay 6

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Police Station
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Cemetery
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Police Station
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Abandonned Building
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Police Station
trophee-OrDay 7
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Police Station
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Church
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Hospital

🔍 What !? She already killed two people !
🔍 Do you feel better now ?
🔍 What are we supposed to do ?

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Guido’s Office

🔍 Ask about Riccardo
🔍 Ask why he is holding Lucia
🔍 Listen to Brandon
🔍 Talk about Riccardo again
🔍 Tell him you want to help
🔍 Talk with Lucia
🔍 Talk with Berni
🔍 Talk with Paolo

📍 Return Hom

🔍 Talk about the ghost
🔍 Talk about Anastasi
🔍 Talk about the diary

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Disco Pub
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Guido’s Coffee
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Cemetery
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Villa Anastasi

🔍 Talk about his business
🔍 Read his mind
🔍 Ask to use the bathroom
🔍 Talk about his family
🔍 Show him the diary
🔍 Wait

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “The Castle

🔍 The Demoness Eva
🔍 Leave the castle

📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Church
📍 Choisissez d’aller à “Check in the woods

🔍 Stay still
trophee-OrThe Shack
🔍 Read Nassi’s mind
🔍 Tell him you’re sorry for his loss
trophee-OrMystery no more
trophee-OrPlatinum Vera


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